Thursday 22 August 2013

Great Review!

Richard Lancaster, known as Culture Vulture, reviewed my pirate novel in the Redcliffe and Bayside Herald on August 21st.
"Good Book
Redcliffe is rapidly gaining a reputation as a haven for good writers.
The latest contribution is a 500-page fact-based novel by Cherie Pugh, called Mary Read, Sailor, Soldier, Pirate.
Here is a rollicking yarn about an extraordinary woman, Mary Read, who in real life, became a pirate. Its available as a Kindle e-book, in paperback on Amazon, or"

Richard rang me to tell me how much he enjoyed reading 'Mary Read', and inspired by his positive review, I have now approached Redcliffe Library, to sell them a copy of the book, and join their Local Authors program.
They emailed me this morning, so early next year I will be touring Moreton Bay libraries to promote my book.

Friday 9 August 2013

'The Princess and the Dragon' is a fairytale I wrote for my daughter.
The story appears traditional, but my princess provides a very modern twist to the story.
The illustrations are ink and watercolour, and I have used medieval wood block prints as my inspriration.
Available at Kindle at a very reasonable price, this is the first in a series of three fairytales I am publishing.