Sunday 8 December 2013

After reading Schapelle Corby's heart-rending autobiography "My Story", I felt compelled to do whatever I could to help her.   

Schapelle has been abandoned by the Australian Government, which was unwilling to admit that Australian domestic terminals were freely used for smuggling drugs by baggage handlers.
She has been maligned by the Australian media, as she is helpless to defend herself.
She has been imprisoned by Indonesia's ludicrous justice system, that did not make even basic checks to see whether or not she was innocent, so keen were they to make a stand against drug smuggling.
Her fate was random, and could have happened to anyone travelling to a third world country with unlocked baggage.
Her website is, and includes a lot of information about her arrest and imprisonment.

You can sign a petition calling for her release on:


Wednesday 4 December 2013

 I just found a great review for 'Mary Read - Sailor, Soldier, Pirate' on Amazon UK:
  ROSE MARIE wrote:
This was a page turner from page 1. I had to verify that Mary Read was an actual person. Understandable this is a fictional story but the backdrop of actual events is amazing. This will be one of the books that I have recommended to my friends. 
Thanks Rose Marie!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Plays for the Queensland Premier's Drama Award

I have just spent a month re-writing 3 more scripts for the Queensland Premier's Drama Award. This is a competition to provide plays for the Queensland Theatre Company, and is a great opportunity for anyone  wanting to break into professional writing in Australia.
I had already re-written 'The Queenslander', and I followed this up with a major re-write of 'Heat', focussing on the two women. One is the 17 year old, pretty, working-class house-keeper in the kitchen; the other is 19 year-old sophisticated, beautiful boss's wife in the station house. The men come and go from these rooms, and from the influence of these women. I think this made the play much more focussed, and much more dramatic.

I also re-wrote two smaller scripts into plays. 'The Beach' is set in a small coastal town in Queensland.
Cathy is tied to her boring town by her mother. She has just dumped her faithless long-term boyfriend for sleeping with her best friend. Upset, she drives down to her family's beach shack to re-assess her life.
Cathy sees Max on the side of the road in a storm and offers him a lift. An alcoholic ex-rock star on the run from rehab, Max is burnt out and cynical. But the beach gives him the space he needs to rediscover his will to live. But Cathy's ex, her best friend and her mother have their own plans for Cathy.
'Edges' focuses on Ida, an elderly artist, living alone and in poverty. She has befriended Harry, an aboriginal man who has struggled with isolation and alcohol. Then a street kid, Sean, breaks into her house, and falls for her art. Ida feeds Sean; Sean helps Ida keep the social services at bay; and Harry helps Sean sort out his problem at home. But it is Sean's explosive solution to Ida's lack of artistic recognition that nearly brings the house down. 
I can only hope it makes the short-list. I find out at the end of December.