Thursday 22 October 2015

Mary Read at Mary Ryan's!

'Mary Read - Sailor, Soldier, Pirate' is now available at Mary Ryan's bookshop in Park Rd, Milton, for $25.

Saturday 16 May 2015

My book reading for 'Mary Read - Sailor, Soldier, Pirate' is at Toowong Library on Tuesday the 19th at 10.30am.

As the day is looming, I popped into Toowong Library today, to see what the promotion for my book reading was like.
I found they had a great display right next to the door, so I think it could be a good turn out.
I've printed lots of business cards, and 'how to buy on-line' forms and 'further reading' lists, and am now practising my talk, getting my speech cards lined up, and trying to be cool about it.
I only hope I don't sell all my books before the next reading, at Indooroopilly Library, Sunday 24th at 1pm.

Monday 30 March 2015

I wrote a poem on an opera-singing busker in Queen St Mall. She stopped quite a crowd last Saturday, and out-sang the noise of jack-hammers and drills from the building site. I think she is truly incredible, and this poem is a tribute to her.

She Sang in Queen Street Mall

She sang again today
and her song filled Queen Street Mall
and flew soaring over jack-hammers
and held us all in thrall

A big brown Amazon
whose sound is liquid power
she stopped us in our tracks
and held us spell-bound for an hour

She sang to us of loss and pain
and we recalled lost dreaming
she sang to us in language strange
and we understood her meaning

And we filled her hat with gold
complimenting her clear call
for this hard city needs a soul
and she sings in Queen Street Mall

Cherie Pugh

Tuesday 3 February 2015

A move into Brisbane has made it much easier to access the libraries here,
and I have set up two talks on 'Mary Read - Sailor, Soldier, Pirate'

One is at my local library, Toowong, 10.30-11.30 Tuesday the 19th of May.
The other is at Indooripilly, 1-2pm on Sunday the 24th of May.

I will talk about the history of the pirates of the Caribbean, their surprisingly strict code of behaviour, the women pirates, and Mary Read in particular.
After answering any questions, I will sell signed copies of my book.

All welcome.